All About Coffee

3:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Morning babe...from ur honey...

1 CUP...
1 Thousand Flavors
1 Rewarding Experience

Just as wine, coffee is composed of a huge variety of palates and aromas. Real coffee experts use all their senses to judge and describe coffee, starting with sniffing the coffee to define the aroma, then looking at it to describe the appearance, and finally tasting it to feel and enjoy the great coffee taste.

Become a Coffee Expert
Coffee tasting is simply a process of comparing and contrasting different coffees. If you taste two or three coffees you can develop your personal preference as well as distinguish differences in aroma, acidity, and flavour. We recommend you start with the lighter bodied coffees first and work up to fuller bodied coffees. Let's get started and become a coffee expert!

What do I need?
Fresh filtered water: The quality of water you use – in terms of the amount of mineral salts and chlorine it contains – can greatly affect the taste of coffee. For best results, try using purified water when making your next cup of coffee.
If using tap water, let the tap run for a while before filling the kettle, particularly in the morning. This clears out water which has stood overnight in the pipes. Bring the water to the boil, but don’t boil it for too long, as this removes oxygen and makes a flatter cup of coffee.
Balance: Measure the amount of coffee exactly (use as much as coffee as indicated on the packaging).
Several coffee mugs or bowls: To serve your coffee.
Cupping Spoons: Use deep-bowled spoons, better for sipping and cooling samples.
Paper: To note your impressions
Coffee powder: Choose your favorite Coffee products.

What to do?
First of all look at your coffee...or in other words, describe the appearance and the colour intensity of the powder from light to dark before pouring the hot water over it. While pouring the water over your coffee, keep watching the solubility. Your coffee should dissolve easily.

Then use your nose to smell the overall aroma. The aroma is the first hint of how your coffee will taste. Use your spoon to gently ‘break the crust’ of the surface, allowing the aromas to escape. Glide the spoon back and forth, and inhale deeply. Smell each coffee sample and note down your impressions.

And last but not least, taste it: Sip the coffee from the spoon with a deep pull. Let the coffee cover your entire mouth, allowing your taste buds to experience and recognize each flavour and specific note. Keep the coffee in your mouth without swallowing and swish it about. What does the coffee feel like? There are several components to describe the taste of your coffee:
Overall the total intensity of flavours perceived together in the cup. The rating goes from very strong (meaning a very intense coffee) to very light.
Coffee strength...What do you think of the coffee strength of this drink? The rating goes from very strong (meaning a very strong coffee taste) to very light.
Mouthfeel..How does this drink feel in your mouth? the basic taste of acidity. It is a sharp and pleasing taste, as opposed to sour. It is perceived as a 'tingling' sensation on each side of the tongue.
Bitterness...Bitterness is a natural part of the coffee's taste, partly due to the caffeine content. Therefore good quality coffee will commonly have some bitter elements, but they should live in harmony with other aspects. Bitterness refers to the basic taste sensation perceived primarily at the back of the tongue; it might remind you of the taste of a grapefruit.
Body...describes the apparent viscosity, the fullness and the weight in the mouth ranging from thin - almost watery - to thick and heavy.
Aftertaste...Does the coffee has a pleasant aftertaste?

Cupping is not hard to do, but takes training, practice, and patience. It is a fun way to reward yourself, and allows you to experience a journey that will give you invaluable knowledge as you improve your coffee skills.

nescaffe 4 u babe

Tutorial Batch Programming

9:07 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Tutorial Batch Programming

Sering Menggunakan fasilitas search engine seperti MSN..?
Pernah mencoba menggunakan batch file untuk mencari sesuatu tanpa harus membuka browser terlebih dahulu..?
Kalau belum.. ni ada sedikit tutorial yg mungkin bermanfaat

Ni Codenya
(tested on Windows XP sp 2)

---------------------------------start script--------------------------------
@echo off
TITLE Internet Search
mode 27,10
(set i=)
(set g=)
(set y=)
(set m=)
echo --------------------------
echo [ Available SearchEngine ]
echo --------------------------
echo [ 1. Google ]
echo [ 2. Yahoo ]
echo [ 3. MSN ]
set /p i=Choose SearchEngine:
if not defined i goto start
if "%i%"=="1" goto google
if "%i%"=="2" goto yahoo
if "%i%"=="3" goto msn
goto start

set /p g=Google Search:
if not defined g goto start
set g=%g: =+%
set g=%g:+/= %
call :gsearch %g%
goto start
if /i "%2"=="" start
if /i "%2"=="w" start
if /i "%2"=="i" start
if /i "%2"=="v" start
goto :eof

set /p y=Yahoo Search:
if not defined y goto start
set y=%y: =+%
set y=%y:+/= %
call :ysearch %g%
goto start
if /i "%2"=="" start
if /i "%2"=="w" start
if /i "%2"=="i" start
if /i "%2"=="v" start
goto :eof

set /p m=MSN Search:
if not defined m goto start
set m=%m: =+%
set m=%m:+/= %
call :msearch %g%
goto start
if /i "%2"=="" start
if /i "%2"=="w" start
if /i "%2"=="i" start
if /i "%2"=="v" start
goto :eof
-----------------------------end of script----------------------------------

Copy paste script diatas ,truzzz save dgn extensi *.bat
Berikut penjelasannya :

1. Tampilan awal

Tahap pertamax ini ntuk memilih search engine
1. Untuk paman google
2. Untuk pak yahoo
3. Untuk tante eMeSeN

Teyusss.. Enter aja.

So.. kan nimbul pesan seperti dibawah ni.

Di tahap ke-2 ini tinggal ketik aja kata2 yang sering kamu cari di google Syntax : Keyword [parameter]


/w = untuk mencari web
/i = untuk mencari images/gambar
/v =untuk mencari video/film

misalnya.... ingin mencari selebritis, ketik aja :
web = selebritis /w
gambar = selebritis /i
video = selebritis /v

Mudah mudahan tutorial kali ni bias dipahami dgn jelas..!
Klo blom….mm.. mmmm… masa iya lom jelas juga!!! :-P

Kumpulan Coretanku

12:03 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Hanya beberapa coretan iseng yg selalu Q update dan diabadikan dalam agendaQ



1:09 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

penderitaan (kata-kata mutiara)

8:36 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

“Penderitaan yang menyakitkan adalah koyaknya kulit pembungkus kesedaran seperti pecahnya kulit buah supaya intinya terbuka merekah bagi sinar matahari yang tercurah”.

“Kalian memiliki takdir kepastian untuk merasakan penderitaan dan kepedihan,. Jika hati kalian masih tergetar oleh rasa takjub menyaksikan keajaiban yang terjadi dalam kehidupan, maka pedihnya penderitaan tidak kalah enakjubkan daripada kesenangan.”

“Banyak di antara yang kalian menderita adalah pilihan kalian sendiri – obat pahit kehidupan agar manusia sembuh dari luka hati dan penyakit jiwa. Percayalah tabib kehidupan dan teguk habis ramuan pahit itu dengan cekal dan tanpa bicara.”


penderitaan (kata-kata mutiara)

8:36 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

“Penderitaan yang menyakitkan adalah koyaknya kulit pembungkus kesedaran seperti pecahnya kulit buah supaya intinya terbuka merekah bagi sinar matahari yang tercurah”.

“Kalian memiliki takdir kepastian untuk merasakan penderitaan dan kepedihan,. Jika hati kalian masih tergetar oleh rasa takjub menyaksikan keajaiban yang terjadi dalam kehidupan, maka pedihnya penderitaan tidak kalah enakjubkan daripada kesenangan.”

“Banyak di antara yang kalian menderita adalah pilihan kalian sendiri – obat pahit kehidupan agar manusia sembuh dari luka hati dan penyakit jiwa. Percayalah tabib kehidupan dan teguk habis ramuan pahit itu dengan cekal dan tanpa bicara.”


Pada Awan Kugantung Rindu

8:03 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Pada Awan Kugantung Rindu

Di sela-sela awan kata itu kusimpan
Berpilah lusuh menari di atas kapas
Bius resah menjuntai mimpi
Menyeret rindu dalam sepi
Senantiasa genit di malam nan sunyi

Setoreh kalimat menyentuh hati
Bibir bergerak diantara sengal nafas
Mengalir diresah kata nurani
Mengukir bait tiada sempat terucap

Suara hati dikejauhan membias warna fajar
Pada dedaunan yang berguguran
Terangi bayangku dengan sinar
Sebagai jawaban dari kerinduan diantara awan

Rasamu mengalir serupa musim mendekapku erat
Aku mencumbu resahmu di ujung subuh
Mengabarkan rasa pembuluh rindu
Biar matamu menumpahkan selaksa duka
Agar esok matahari dalam dadamu tersenyum

Berseri menyinari menyambut hadirku


animal pictures

5:46 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
cat pictures

Shower Me With Your Love... babe...;)

3:25 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
My heart is filled with so much love
And I need someone I can call my own
To fall in love, that's what everyone's dreaming of
I hold this feeling oh so close
Life is too short, to live alone
Without someone to call my own
I will care for you, you will care for me
Our love, will live forever

Shower me with your love
Shower me with the love that I long for
Shower me with your love
Shower me with the love I've been waiting for

I close my eyes and pray all my wishes come true
Every night I go to sleep
Until you're mine I'll wait for you endlessly
Can't you see
fairy talesthey do, sometimes come true
If you believe it could happen to you

Like the stars that shine way up in the sky
Our love will live forever

Shower me with your love
Shower me with the love that I long for
Shower me with your love
Shower me with the love I've been waiting for

Like the stars that shine way up in the sky
Our love will live forever (live forever)

Shower me with your love
Shower me with the love that I long for
Shower me with your love
Shower me with the love I've been waiting for
Shower me with your love
Shower me with the love I've been waiting for



2:55 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Sendiri aku disini

Berbisik sendu dalam kesepian

Kunikmati getaran dengan sekilas bayangan indah..

Kubuka hati, gapai bintang tutup mata ini,

ku coba mengulang

Mengingat segala perkenalan awal

Sikap tegas lembutmu membakar perisai tangguh..

Hatiku beku tiada mampu membendung,

Mengikat, gelombang berkobar

Mencabik-cabik rasa

Rindu hampir punah

Kucoba menangkap amukan hati..

Kadang terseok,

Tersungkur terjatuh rintihan luka

Nanar tatapan menerawang langkah terhenti gumamkan

Kabut turun langitpun mengelam

Sang surya menahan diri

Angin dingin bekukan tubuh yang seakan tanpa

Buih ombak putihkan lautan

Riuh gemuruh deburan pantai

Seolah suara hati nan berkecamuk

Bayu datanglah kepangkuan jemput sejuta rasa..

Bawalah terbang jauh tinggi dan sampaikan

Salam rinduku untuknya.

puisi cinta

2:48 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Mohonku kepada getaran

Rasuki jiwaku untuk terus bertunas

Menjadi pohon-pohon kembaran

Gelinjangkan lelahku rerimbunan sang ruh

Persembahan secawan anggur hati

Telah menyingkap tidurku

Sungguh tubuhku lunglai tiada nadi daya

Hingga sapa matahari

Menghangatkan sunyi tubuhku

Kelam terrenda temaram kabut masa

Aku masih sabit yang terpenggal

Yang tak pernah memiliki malam, siang, pagi

Karena singgahku
Tak pernah termiliki siapapun
Kecuali kupu-kupu saljuku
Setia selalu kapanpun...


2:33 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Awan tak menunjukan arah

Bulan memberi sinar yang remang

Angin berhembus kencang

Dingin tak memberi pilihan

Berdiri di jalan ini

Membuatku berteman ragu

Merah memang tangisku

Karena bingung menjadi mataku

Awan kian kelabu

Saat kaki ku menjadi kaku

Bergemingku dalam sendu

Menunggu waktu menyeret sekujur tubuhku

Dalam bubur penyesalan yang tak mampu ku bau

Melihat muakku

Pada segala palu pengadilan hidupku

Oh engakau sang manusia berkawan ragu

Nyatakanlah mau mu

Tenang memang ingin kau kenakan sebagai jubah kehormatan

Namun ingat...

Waktu mencoba menyadarkan

Bahwa kau tersesat...

Wahai engkau, manusia berkawan ragu…


1:58 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Same my collections


1:46 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Di sela-sela awan kata itu kusimpan

Berpilah lusuh menari di atas kapas

Bius resah menjuntai mimpi

Menyeret rindu dalam sepi

Senantiasa genit di malam nan sunyi

Setoreh kalimat menyentuh hati

Bibir bergerak diantara sengal nafas

Mengalir diresah kata nurani

Mengukir bait tiada sempat terucap

Suara hati dikejauhan membias warna fajar

Pada dedaunan yang berguguran

Terangi bayangku dengan sinar

Sebagai jawaban dari kerinduan diantara awan

wise word

10:29 AM Posted In , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Ketika tiba saat perpisahan janganlah kalian berduka, sebab apa yang paling kalian kasihi darinya mungkin akan nampak lebih nyata dari kejauhan – seperti gunung yang nampak lebih agung terlihat dari padang dan dataran

wise word

10:27 AM Posted In , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Salahlah bagi orang yang mengira bahwa cinta itu datang kerana pergaulan yang lama dan rayuan yang terus menerus. Cinta adalah tunas pesona jiwa, dan jika tunas ini tak tercipta dalam sesaat, ia takkan tercipta bertahun-tahun atau bahkan abad.

Some sort of free Affiliate